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Welcome to BVMS 7th Grade Football

Welcome to the home of Brandon Valley Middle School 7th grade football.  


Please use the tabs above to view pertinent information as it pertains to participation in BVMS 7th Grade Football.  


Equipment Handout:


2024 Equipment Handout for 8th Grade Players - Monday, August 19th, at the equipment shed behind BVMS beginning at approximately 3:30-3:45.  


2024 Equipment Handout for any 8th Grade Players that could not attend on Monday and all 7th Grade Players - Tuesday, August 20th, at the equipment shed behind BVMS beginning at approximately 3:30-3:45


Any 8th grade or 7th grade player that is unable to attend either of these equipment handout opportunities, equipment can be obtained on Wednesday, August 21st, after school, before practice begins.  


2024 Practices:


The 1st practices for 7th and 8th grade football will be after school on Wednesday, August 21st 2023.  Please make sure that your participant brings practice clothing on the first day of school.  For the first two days of practice players will be in cleats, shorts, T-shirts, practice jerseys, and helmets.  Practice will run from after school until approximately 5:20pm.  Please make sure to make arrangements for transportation for your participants after practice so that players leave BVMS promptly after practice concludes.  


Physical Forms:


All players must have a physical form for the 2024-2025 school year completed and turned in to the school in order to participate in practices.  Students that have not completed and turned in a physical prior to Wednesday, August 21st, are not eligible to attend practice until such time as a completed physical form is on record with the school.  Players can check out equipment without a physical on record, however, they cannot participate in practices/competitions until the form is completed and turned in.  


7th Grade Football REMIND App:


If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link:


Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.


If you don’t have a smartphone, get text notifications. Text the message @bv7thfb to the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @bv7thfb to (331) 200-2670.

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